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Home » Kimberley OCP hearing article was biased

Posted: February 24, 2018

Kimberley OCP hearing article was biased

Letter to the Editor

The recent e-KNOW article covering the Kimberley OCP hearing was in my opinion very biased towards anti benchlands use.

The article states there were 29 speakers of which 14 were opposed to benchlands development. Thus simple math indicates 15 were either not opposed or covered other topics. That’s more than half. I was at the hearing and your article goes on and on with anti OCP comments not fairly covering the speakers. My take was there were more people at the meeting in favour of the OCP while those against the OCP were the noisy small percentage. Surely your learned journalist would have noted that.

Further, the article could have mentioned one speaker discussed the sewage treatment and another the down town revitalization.

Another thing you could have noted was the meeting did had some real humour when the pseudo ‘George Bush’ got up and advised that the machine works wanting to establish on the benchlands as per the OCP would be contributing to ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction.’ Where else but at a meeting of the populous would you get a crazy like that at the microphone. Actually there was more than one crazy at the mic, but I will not go into that.

Thank you and let’s try harder to be unbiased.

Ross Banner,


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